How to See Google Maps Timeline on iPhone?



Does Apple Maps have a timeline you can view like ...

2023年9月30日 — I found that to be a really neat feature on Google Maps and a I'm curious if Apple Maps has the same thing.

How can I find my location history from m…

In the future, you can use Google Maps to remember and show your location history. Google Maps can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

How to Check Your iPhone Location History

2024年4月3日 — Google Maps: Tap your profile image and then select Your timeline. · iOS history: Settings > Privacy & security > Location Services > System ...

How to Find Your Location History on iPhone or iPad

If you open Google Maps' Timeline view, you'll be able to see exactly where you traveled on a given day — even if you didn't use Google Maps for navigation — ...

How to Solve Google Maps Timeline Not Working [2024]

2024年3月27日 — How to Solve Google Maps Timeline Not Working [2024] · 1. Enter Commute Details · 2. Update Google Maps from Apple Store · 3. Restart Your iPhone ...

Manage your Location History for iPhone & iPad

Location History is a Google Account setting that creates Timeline, a personal map that helps you remember places you've been, and routes and trips you've ...


2023年9月30日—IfoundthattobeareallyneatfeatureonGoogleMapsandaI'mcuriousifAppleMapshasthesamething.,,Inthefuture,youcanuseGoogleMapstorememberandshowyourlocationhistory.GoogleMapscanbedownloadedforfreefromtheAppStore.,2024年4月3日—GoogleMaps:TapyourprofileimageandthenselectYourtimeline.·iOShistory:Settings>Privacy&security>LocationServices>System ...,IfyouopenGoogleMaps'Timelinevi...